The Princess Victoria sank on the 31st January 1953, one hundred and thirty three lives were lost, including a relative of mine. In their 3rd of January 2013 edition, the Belfast Telegraph has totally dishonoured the memory of these lost souls and desecrated their 60th anniversary, by publishing a sensationalised and totally fictional picture of the Princess Victoria supposedly sinking, as a lifeboat pulled away from it. Printed with the fictionally described picture is the caption, “ A LIFEBOAT PULLS AWAY FROM THE PRINCESS VICTORIA”. If the intellectual academic idiot, who authorised the printing and wording of this fraudulent article had bothered to look at the picture, they should have immediately realised that the ship in the picture, was not sinking, was not a passenger ferry, had its lifeboats still firmly secured on the deck and was obviously not the Princess Victoria. The ship in the picture was in fact, one of the rescue vessels, but then again, when did the Belfast Telegraph ever let the truth hinder sensationalism?
Then, in their article concerning the first Friday night protest by the peaceful defenders of the National Standard of Northern Ireland, the Belfast Telegraph states that there were in the region of about 80 different protests held, throughout Northern Ireland. They then named a number of the protests, with varying estimates of between 100 and 300 people at each protest. They then printed the totally fictional and ridiculous claim that, 1500 people had held the whole country to ransom. Again the academic intellectual idiot who authorised this fictional head count, obviously couldn’t have needed to obtain anymore than a “Z” Star in mathematics, to obtain employment with the Belfast Telegraph.
Then in their Thursday January the 10th edition, the Belfast Telegraph finally solves the problem of the National Standard protest, by whittling all the blame down to one man, with their exclusive banner headline. CITY AT MERCY OF UVF BOSS. The Belfast Telegraph are alleging that a sinister UVF boss who they refer to as “THE BEAST FROM THE EAST,” Is holding the City to ransom. The Telegraphs totally bizarre and fictional headline is based on their strange notion, that because the alleged UVF leader is taking no part in the protests, it is therefore his fault that the protests are continuing. (Sounds like Brian Rowan logic to me.)
Then of course, not to be out done by his supposedly academic colleagues, the parasitic Brian Rowan raises his unmistakable head above the parapet again, ( for monetary reward as usual.) This time the notorious sucker of Loyalist blood, produces from his amazing magic hat, another two of his famous high ranking mythical secret informants, ( Mythical touts, ) to inform us all that, it is in fact 2 mythical UVF junior officers who are directing the street violence. Rowan then goes on to allege that the whole country is in fact being held to ransom by a total of 20 people.
It appears to me that ever since the parasitic Rowan, has lost the ear of Davy Ervine and Gusty Spence, he has been running around in circles like a rancid dog, with an overflowing bladder, looking for a lamppost.
The problem with Brain Rowan is that ,he is nearly always looking for a UVF OR RHC lamppost.
I would suggest to the Belfast Telegraph that, as well as a good memory a good liar also needs to be able to count, because we the people who the Belfast Telegraphs self- righteous numerator Edd Curran would probably describe, as the lowest common denominator, may be poorly educated, but we are not bloody stupid.
Charlie Freel.