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- New collective cultural group representing 13 loyalist bonfires launched in east Belfast
- Hillsbourough Drive 2016: Chris Thackaberry
- Supreme Court decision on non-jury trials for British soldiers will have a huge impact on legacy – A response to solicitor Darragh Mackin
- Why the toxic issue of legacy will have caused many young unionists to follow their most basic instincts and cheer Karen Bradley’s comments to the rafters
- Outreach Clinic
- FORGOTTEN VICTIMS: Is it ‘Time for Truth’ from Sinn Fein for the family of Ambulance worker Robert Shields, murdered by IRA terrorists in 1980.
- And here is the Weather Forecast: Primo.
- An Ulster Education: Chris Thackaberry
- Finucane campaign highlights the hypocrisy at the heart of republicanism’s legacy propaganda
- Irish Journalism Finally Wakes Up: The GFA Says Nothing About Hard Or Soft Border
Monthly Archives: February 2019
Outreach Clinic
Posted in Current Affairs
FORGOTTEN VICTIMS: Is it ‘Time for Truth’ from Sinn Fein for the family of Ambulance worker Robert Shields, murdered by IRA terrorists in 1980.
The ‘Forgotten Victims’ series highlights the cowardly IRA murder of former RUC reservist and Ambulance administrator, Robert Shields. If it is really ‘Time for Truth’, then when will Sinn Fein provide the family of Robert Shields with the names of the IRA terrorists that murdered him as he served the community. Read more
Posted in Current Affairs
And here is the Weather Forecast: Primo.
And here is the Weather Forecast……………..Primo.
Northern Ireland in fairness has just skipped a severe bout of weather. Between the icy cold conditions in Scotland and the snows of middle England we have done well to escape the extremes of our changeable and ever present companion.
In the cages of the Kesh we had more to worry about than the weather but on reflection we lived a lot closer to the weather than many of us do today. Leaving the Crum aside for a moment I am talking about the cages the Nissen huts fo Long kesh. A look at this pages photo stream or a simple google search will giv ena idea of the type fo building we lived in for most of us over a decade of our lives. The catch from 1975 onward was that the huts were a quick ‘throw up’job after the big fire of October 1974. When the Kesh was burned literally to the ground except for cages 19 mainly UVF and cage 16 mainly UDA. In terms of a thermal insulation rating which most homes are rated by today I can confidently say the huts rated zero on any scale. They were most definitely not built for comfort. To simplify we froze in winter and roasted in summer. The basic hut was a semi round structure with 2 layers of tin corrugated iron. Inside these layers was what was pinkish spongy stuff called insulation. This trades descriptions act did not apply in the Kesh. Read more
Posted in prison life
An Ulster Education: Chris Thackaberry
Another worthy poem from the pen of Dublin Loyalist Chris Thackaberry.
An Ulster Education
Kings 3: 24-25
”And the king said. Bring me a sword
and they brought a sword before the King”
“And the King said. Devide the living child in two
and give half to one and half to the other”
Slashing deep
upon the faith line
Quarter out the best
and marinate the prime
Binning the rest
kinda, kind, kindling
For our sectarian
sacrificial fire
“Let it be neither mine or thine
but devide it”
This child of mine.
Posted in Loyalism Today
Finucane campaign highlights the hypocrisy at the heart of republicanism’s legacy propaganda
30 years on from the killing of Pat Finucane and republicanism continue to ignore the hypocrisy at the heart of their legacy campaign. Until they are told Maggie Thatcher was driving the car and Douglas Hurd was the gunman, it is unlikely they will ever be satisfied. This weekend marks 30 years since the killing of republican solicitor Pat Finucane by the Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) in Belfast, who said in a statement at the time that they had not killed Pat Finucane the solicitor but “Pat Finucane, the IRA officer”. Read more
Posted in Current Affairs