I, along with two colleagues–both ex-combatants–visited the new U.D.A. Interpretive centre on the Newtownards Road last week. Recently opened by the East Belfast brigade the centre is self funding. David Stitt is one of the volunteer staff–they hope to eventually procure manistream funding which would allow full or part time staff–and he gave us a comprehensive presentation whilst showing us round. Although only opened a matter of weeks the centre has the potential to become a great addition to venues displaying aspects of Loyalist culture. Already there are many artefacts and mementoes–old Workers Strike passes–minutes from old LPA meetings–jail handicrafts–obsolete weapons–but the highlight for me was the collection of old photographs, illustrating all the stages of the most recent conflict. David explained the rationale behind opening the centre. They want to engage with individuals and groups to help understand the reasons around the need for the formation of a paramilitary force over 40 years ago. They will also show the impact the conflict had on loyalist working class communities–in particular East Belfast–how it shaped U.D.A. thinking over the years and how it impacted upon them to turn from Dogs of war into men of peace. A booklet provided by the centre explains all this in full and carries a strap line–making a positive difference. Lets hope the Andy Tyrie centre does just that. The centre is currently open for visitors and access can be gained by contacting David Stitt on…07737 483398.
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