Border Referendum
As someone who is proud to belong to that section of the community which, the supposedly intellectual, completely baffled local media and the supposedly intellectual, equally baffled local politicians, consider to be the underclass. I find it amazing that all our overpaid supposed political experts are sitting scratching their heads, completely baffled and asking the peaceful defenders of the National Standard, to provide a solution to the problem which has been caused by the total incompetence, of these same self-profiteering supposedly intellectual political failures, from the middle and upper classes.
I suggest that we forget about and bypass the arty, farty, intellectuals and their terrorist partners in plunder, up at Stormont, let’s instead just use a good dose of, good old Working Class Common Sense.
Working Class common sense tells us that the vast majority of the political problems in Northern Ireland arise from a dispute over Nationality. Working class common sense also tells us that the National Standard dispute, along with the dissident republican problem and the vast majority of other disputes, could be ended very quickly by a straight forward immediate referendum, on a straight forward vote for either British, or Irish Nationality.
Working Class common sense would then insure that the National Standard of the Chosen Nation, which would be providing the deficit in finances, that would be required to provide Northern Ireland with the same standard of living as the democratically chosen Nation, could then be flown from all Government buildings without dispute.
The IRA under their cover name sinn fein, are preparing to launch a campaign demanding a referendum, ( which they would be horrified to obtain) in an effort to kick start a long drawn out winding up of support, for the celebration of the 1916 Dublin Flop, which was nothing more than a treacherous attempted stab at the British back, during the height of the First World War.
I would urge the Loyalist Working Class, to use their Working Class Common Sense, by calling the IRA bluff and demanding that referendum immediately.
I for one, have absolutely no problem with the Tri-Colour the National Standard of the Republic of Ireland, flying in the Republic of Ireland and I would have no problem with it flying in Northern Ireland either, IF, it was the democratically chosen National Standard of Northern Ireland, however I know lots of ordinary decent Roman Catholics, who would be horrified to wake up tomorrow in a United Ireland.
So let’s take the entire issue out of the hands of the arty- farty, intellectual failures up at Stormont and demand an immediate referendum.
Charlie Freel.