Monthly Archives: March 2019

Hillsbourough Drive 2016: Chris Thackaberry

Another poem from the collection of Dublin Unionist Chris Thackaberry.




Hillsborough Drive 2016



                 Where East met West -in epic force 


Sonic boom rattled my window

                             as I raddled my son to school


‘That’s a bomb’ – as I turn the door to work

                                           Titania onto Cregagh 


The splintered remains, untidy’s my road

                                     and dishevelled my mind    


                    into a Serb like hate


‘Fenian Scum’ repeats in my head 

                                         as I drive East to West


My first patient is Teresa 




Supreme Court decision on non-jury trials for British soldiers will have a huge impact on legacy – A response to solicitor Darragh Mackin

In the Irish News 7 March edition solicitor Darragh Mackin of Phoenix Law called for pending trials against British soldiers to be heard by a judge alone, i.e a non-jury trial.

Let me from the outset make clear that I make absolutely no professional or indeed personal criticism of Mr Mackin’s advocacy on behalf of his clients, in this case the family of Aidan McAnespie. I believe the comments made in the Irish News were not driven by any personal political agenda, but rather a desire to provide the best possible representation for his clients and indeed offer one particular legal viewpoint on the ongoing legacy process. Read more »


Why the toxic issue of legacy will have caused many young unionists to follow their most basic instincts and cheer Karen Bradley’s comments to the rafters

That many moderate unionists, and those who never lived through the conflict, will have cheered Karen Bradley’s comments to the rafters is an indication of just how frustrated and angry the broad cross-generational spectrum of the Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist community have become at the one-sided legacy narrative.

The comments, which were undoubtedly wrong in law, will have given many people reason to cheer- mostly as a release valve for the growing fury in relation to the legacy scandal. We hear nothing but a narrative which is designed to present the IRA as the liberators and the British Army- and the unionist community- as the oppressors. Read more »
