North Down ACT Initiative
Things are going from strength to strength for the North Down ACT Initiative.
Building on the strong community links they had already established through their relationship with North Down Community Assistance the members of the ACT Initiative in North Down have not rested on their laurels.
Networking throughout the North Down and Lower Ards area they have met with, among others, the PSNI, Mike Nesbitt, Jim Shannon, Jonathan Bell, The Lord Mayor of Ards and other MLA’s. They have taken this opportunity to explain about the ACT Initiative and the positive work being undertaken in this area. Links have been established with the local community and local churches and a number of training programmes arranged and attended by their members.
A 2 day residential has been arranged for October when ACT participants will explore their own identity and history as part of the Decade of Anniversaries programme. Plans are also being finalised for a community clean-up of the local canal, in partnership with a number of other local community groups.
The North Down Act Initiative are also currently organising a Covenant Centenary Parade on the 15th September with an open invitation to all Bands, Lodges and Somme Associations. (See below for details)
North Down & Ards
Unionist Centenary Committee
Dear Sir/Madam
We are hoping to hold a “Signing of the Ulster Covenant Centenary Celebration Parade” on the 22nd Sept 2012. All Orange Lodges, Bands and Somme Associations province wide will be invited. The parade will leave Regent House School @ 10am. The parade will go through Newtownards and finish at the Somme Centre. There will be representatives doing speeches i.e. Community Leaders, Women’s groups, Councillors, MLA’s plus others. A tour of the Somme Centre will be included along with a 2012 resigning of The Ulster Covenant. We would like to invite you to this event, if you would like to celebrate this with us please contact us on the details below.
Kind Regards
David Carson(Vice Chair)
02891228116 – Day
07857181708 – Evening
There are a number of other pieces of work and projects in the pipeline as the membership of ACT in North Down continue to build on the principles and ethos of the ACT Initiative. Keep an eye on this web site for more updates in the near future.