The Gerrymandering Alliance Party


On the 18th may 2011, Belfast City Council agreed to a 16 week public consultation, with regard to their policy of flying the National Standard of the United Kingdom 365 days a year at Belfast City Hall. This situation arose due to a complaint made to the EQIA, by the IRA representatives on Belfast City Council.


The results of the consultation were as follows.

Those in favour of the existing practice,= 15,240.

Total in favour of changing the existing practice,= 500.

There was also a separate consultation of council staff, the results were as follows.

Those in favour of the existing policy,= 70%.

Total in favour of change of changing the existing policy,= 30%.

There was also a separate consultation of trades people supplying the City Hall, the result was a large majority in favour of the existing National Standard Policy.

There was also a consultation of visitors, visiting the City Hall, the result was again a large majority in favour of the existing policy.


In a legitimate democracy the above results, would be considered conclusive, with the status quo upheld, I believe that it is obvious from the amount of consultations held, that the EQIA were hell bent on trying to find a legitimate method of appeasing the IRA representatives on Belfast City Council. This belief is confirmed by the fact that the totally unelected and undemocratic EQIA, then advised the Council that although there was a large majority in favour of the status quo, the consultations were not to be considered as a referendum of opinion. This means that the 16 week consultation was nothing more than an extremely expensive waste of Tax payers time and money and the EQIA, nothing more than an undemocratic unelected and expensive means of achieving a GERRYMANDERED RESULT, in favour of the IRA representatives on Belfast City Council.

The Alliance party, the SDLP and the IRA representatives on Belfast City Council, then colluded by using the gerrymandered EQIA report as a basis for lowering the National Standard against the democratically expressed will of the electorate. In doing so they have totally disregarded, Schedule 9, of the 1998 Northern Ireland Act, which requires that when making a decision with respect of policy, a Public Authority must take into account, any consultation carried out in relation to that policy. THE COLLUDING REPUBLICANS ON BELFAST CITY COUNCIL ARE CLEARLY IN CONTRAVENTION OF THIS ACT.

The totally undemocratic members of the Alliance party who colluded with republicans to lower the National Standard by means of a gerrymandered voting system, which was deliberately rigged, by leaving out the option of the democratically favoured status quo, have finally been exposed in their true colours.

As for the parasitic, professional self proclaimed intellectual media experts who have stated, that the gerrymandered lowering of the National Standard cannot be legally reversed, I would refer them back again to Schedule 9, of the 1998 Northern Ireland Act which states, When a Public Authority changes an established policy, a system must be established to discover the effects of that change of policy on relevant groups, over a two year period and if the original policy change has resulted in a greater adverse result than predicted, then the Public Authority MUST REVISE THEIR DECISION, to achieve a better outcome for the relevant groups.

Charlie Freel.



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