Once again, Roy Garland the original token Prod at the Irish News, has raised his head above the Alliance Party parapet, to verbally assault the Loyalist Working Class. In the Irish News 1/3/13 edition, Roy shovels up another shovel full of his famous anti-Loyalist Working Class hobby horse dung, for his gluttonous republican audience. He implies that the Loyalist Working Class and the innocent victims of indiscriminate IRA terrorism, should remain impassive and totally un-offended in the face of the deliberately perpetual, antagonistic actions which are constantly directed at them, by the British Government employed, professional IRA Terrorist/politicians up at Stormont and on Belfast City Council.
As an excuse Roy keeps on flogging the same old long dead donkey; IE; “ The Union has never been safer.” The reality is of course that nothing is ever even remotely safe, in the hands of self-serving politicians. The Alliance party proved that when they colluded with the IRA representatives on Belfast City Council, to totally ignore the results of the EQIA polls and lower the National Standard at Belfast City Hall, against the clearly expressed will of the people.
The self-righteous all-knowing Roy, then goes on to attack the Unionist Forum, which he describes as a route back into the sectarian cul-de-sac. For Roy’s information the Unionist Forum as far as the RHC is concerned, is a genuine opportunity, for all Loyalist groupings and organisations including the Peoples Forum and Church’s to co-operate in a genuine attempt to seriously address the many problems effecting Loyalist Working Class Communities; IE; unemployment, under-education, poverty, insecurity, homelessness, drug abuse, hopelessness, suicide, political apathy, parades, the National Standard dispute and the perpetual attempted erosion of Loyalist Working Class Culture and history.
Roy then goes on to praise the latest two fraudulent unionist rats to desert the sinking Unionist Party Ship, but yet again the self-righteous Roy quickly succumbs to his own pompous ego and attempts to rewrite their new parties policy for them. ( Roy always knows better.)
Roy then concludes his attack by suggesting that Stormont should adopt the Modified Borda Count, as an agreed form of consensus Government. All very strange coming from Roy because he recently rubbished the results of the EQIA, Modified Borda Count, which was used and the results ignored by the EQIA and the Alliance Party, as they bent over backwards in their attempts to find a Gerrymandered electoral system, that would produce the desired result for the EQIA, the Alliance party and apparently Roy Garland, with regard to the flying of the National Standard at Belfast City Hall. The end result of the polls showed that out of fifteen and a half thousand respondents, less than 10 supported the EQIA and the Alliance parties preferred option, of flying the National Standard only on designated days.
I suspect that Roy’s support for the Modified Borda Count, is based on the fact that it usually results in such a massive mix up of maybe, possibly and if, multi preference selections that, self-righteous academic elitists like the Alliance party and Roy Garland, can manipulate it to gerrymander democracy, in a totally undemocratic manner.
Strangely enough, against all expectations the EQIA, Modified Borda Count, with regard to the National Standard resulted in a massive majority in favour of, no change in the flying of the National Standard at Belfast City Hall. As expected the unelected EQIA and the totally undemocratic self-righteous elitists of the Alliance party, totally ignored the democratic results of their own polls and proceeded to lower the National Standard, against the will of the electorate.
This blatant abuse of democracy has resulted in massive economic damage to Northern Ireland and hundreds of young defenders of democracy being dragged before the courts, but it has galvanised the Loyalist community into a unity that has not been seen since the early seventies and despite the dishonest support that the Alliance party has received from the Belfast Telegraph and the Sunday World, I have absolutely no doubt that the Alliance Party will be wiped out of all Loyalist Working Class areas, at the next election, regardless of which gerrymandered electoral system is used.
Charlie Freel.